Babyem is an accredited training agency, specialising in accredited childcare and maternity nurse training courses for nannies, childminders, maternity nurses and health professionals
Little Steps Nanny and Events Agency have been added to Babyem's recommended agencies list and have been provided with access to a number of Training Courses for our Candidates and Clients.
Find out further information and relevant codes below:
Use code LITTLESTEPS10 for any of the following courses:
Use Code LITTLESTEPS25 for the following course:

#nannyagency #surreynannyagency #berkshirenannyagency #hampshirenannyagency #babyem #learnwithbabyem #childcare #maternity #doula #OCN #sleepcoaching #empoweringparents #gentleparenting #evidencebased #attachment #responsiveparenting #safesleep #breastfeeding #bedsharing #biologicallynormal #familycentredcare #onlinetraining #research #sleepscience #maternitynurse